
Archival recording agreement

Here you will find a copy of our archival recording agreement form. We need all participants to sign this form so that the oral history recordings can go into the public archive of Dorset History Centre.

As a statutory charity, digital:works is most grateful for contributions, such as yours, to help to build, improve and enhance its collections. Your oral history recording will become part of the collection cared for by the Dorset History Centre. The audio recording itself and its associated documentation will be kept in secure environmentally controlled conditions, and research access will be provided to generations of students, academics, family historians, journalists, writers and many others for years to come.

storage boxes

Oral History is a powerful means of collecting and preserving the unique memories and life experiences of people whose stories might otherwise have been lost. Few historians, researchers, teachers and students can now afford to neglect the insights that oral sources provide. Our mission is to capture as many voices as possible and add to this important source of information.

At the conclusion of an interview, each interviewee is asked to fill in an Oral History Recording Agreement. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that your contribution is added to digital:works archive in strict accordance with your wishes. All material will be preserved as a permanent public reference resource at Dorset History Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RP.

The photographs and oral history participants allow us to record may be used in a public exhibition at Dorset County Museum, included in an app and on our website. It may also be used to raise awareness of the project and our work, including in lectures, in workshops, newsletters, leaflets, websites and books.

If you are happy with your recording being made publicly accessible and preserved in a public archive please complete this form (saved as a PDF to download here) in order to transfer copyright to digital:works and Dorset History Centre.


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